
Journal Articles

Wang, S., Dong, G., Walker, T., Sandford, H. (2025). Mechanical analyses of Félix Candela’s N-edged hyperbolic paraboloid umbrellas as tubular structures under uniaxial compression. Architecture, Structures and Construction, 5

Wang, S., Chang, C.-W. (2025). SPH simulations to investigate the influence of realistic mangroves in reducing breaking wave forces on coastal structures. Ocean Engineering, 316

Wang, S., Chuang, W.-L. (2025). Dynamic analysis of breaking wave impact on a floating offshore wind turbine via smoothed particle hydrodynamics. Marine Structures, 100

ElDarwich, H., Mansouri, I., Garlock, M., Wang, S. (2024). Predicting maximum deflection of N-edged thin-shelled hyperbolic-paraboloid umbrella using machine learning techniques. Thin-Walled Structures, 205

Pawitan, K. A., Garlock, M., Wang, S. (2024). Multiphase SPH analysis of a breaking wave impact on elevated structures with vertical and inclined walls. Applied Ocean Research, 142

Wang, S. (2023). Simplified analytical solutions to the yaw dynamics of modular floating structures. Ocean Engineering, 276

Hughes, M., Celli, S., Heubner, C., Garlock, M., Ottoni, F., Del Curto, D., Wang, S., Glisic, B. (2023). Nonlinear finite-element analysis for structural investigation and preservation of reinforced hybrid thin tile-reinforced concrete domes of the historic school of ballet classrooms in Havana, Cuba. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (ASCE), 37 (1)

Wang, S. (2022). Analytical solutions for the dynamic analysis of a modular floating structure for urban expansion. Ocean Engineering, 266

Wu, G., Garlock, M., Wang, S. (2022). A Decoupled SPH-FEM Analysis of Hydrodynamic Wave Pressure on Hyperbolic-Paraboloid Thin-shell Coastal Armor and Corresponding Structural Response. Engineering Structures, 268

Wang, S., Contreras-Jimenez, J. A., Jorquera-Lucerga, J. J., Garlock, M. (2022). Structural analysis of Félix Candela’s hexagonal hyperbolic paraboloidal umbrellas. Engineering Structures, 266

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Deike, L., Glisic, B. (2022). Feasibility of Kinetic Umbrellas as deployable flood barriers during landfalling hurricanes. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 148 (5)

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2022). Geometric and area parameterization of N-edged hyperbolic paraboloidal umbrellas. Engineering Structures, 250

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2021). Kinematics of deployable hyperbolic paraboloid umbrellas. Engineering Structures, 244

Wang, S., Notario, V., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2021). Parameterization of hydrostatic behavior of deployable hypar umbrellas as flood barriers. Thin-Walled Structures, 163

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2021). Parametric modeling of depth-limited wave spectra under hurricane conditions with applications to Kinetic Umbrellas against storm surge inundation. Water, 13

Wang, S., Levine, A., Garlock, M., Contreras-Jimenez, J. A., Jorquera-Lucerga, J. J. (2020). Structural evaluation of Felix Candela’s 8-sided hyperbolic paraboloidal umbrellas. Engineering Structures, 222

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2020). Hydrostatic response of deployable hyperbolic-paraboloid umbrellas as coastal armor. Journal of Structural Engineering (ASCE), 146 (6)

Wang, S., Shen, L., Nguyen, G.D., Maggi, F., El-Zein, A., Zheng, Y. (2019). An empirical approach for the quantification of uniaxial compressive stress-strain of partially saturated granular media under high strain rates. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 120, 245-256

Wang, S., Shen, L., Maggi, F., El-Zein, A., Nguyen, G.D., Zheng, Y., Zhang, H., Chen, Z. (2018). Influence of dry density and confinement environment on the high strain rate response of partially saturated sand. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 116, 65-78

Fu, K., Wang, H., Wang, S., Chang, L., Shen, L., Ye, L. (2018). Compressive behavior of shear-thickening fluid with concentrated polymers at high strain rates. Materials and Design, 140, 295-306

Hanaor, D., Flores-Johnson, E.A., Wang, S., Quach, S., Dela-Torre, K., Gan, Y., Shen, L. (2017). Mechanical properties in crumple-formed paper derived materials subjected to compression. Heliyon, 3 (6)

Wang, S., Flores-Johnson, E.A., Shen, L. (2017). A Technique for the Elimination of Stress Waves Overlapping in the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar. Experimental Techniques, 41, 345-355

Wang, S., Shen, L., Maggi, F., El-Zein, A., Nguyen, G.D. (2017). Uniaxial compressive behavior of partially saturated granular media under high strain rates. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 102, 156-168

Flores-Johnson, E.A., Wang, S., Maggi, F., El Zein, A., Gan, Y., Nguyen, G.D., Shen, L. (2016). Discrete element simulation of dynamic behavior of partially saturated sand. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 12 (4), 495-507

Wang, S., Orense, R.P. (2014). Modelling of raked pile foundations in liquefiable ground. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 64, 11-23 

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

Wang, S., Han, B. (2024). Floating cities for climate change adaptation: exploring motion perception thresholds via immersive virtual reality. Proceedings of 38th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Rome, Italy

Walker, T., Dong, G., Wang, S. (2024). Mechanical Performance of Mirrored Hypar Umbrella Sandwich Cells Through Compression Testing. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland

Pawitan, K. A., Garlock, M., Wang, S. (2024). Effects of wall inclination on elevated structures subject to breaking waves: a multiphase SPH numerical exploration. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, Chicago, Illinois

Wang, S., Han, B. (2023). Simulating Structural Motions of Floating Cities in an Immersive Virtual Reality Environment. ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2023), Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon

Wang, S., Han, B. (2023). Immersive Virtual Reality as a Communication Tool towards the Development of Floating Cities for Climate Adaptation. At What Point Managed Retreat?: Habitability and Mobility in an Era of Climate Change, Columbia University, New York

Wang, S. (2022). SPH and analytical modeling of an urban floating structure for coastal expansion. Proceedings of 37th Conference on Coastal Engineering, Sydney, Australia

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2022) “Hydrodynamic modeling of Kinetic Umbrellas during landfalling hurricanes”. ASCE Structures Congress, Atlanta, Georgia

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2021). A mechanism for the deployment of Kinetic Umbrellas for coastal hazard adaptation. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium, Guilford, United Kingdom

Wang, S., Notario, V., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2021). Structural parameterization of Kinetic Umbrellas under hydrostatic inundation. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium, Guilford, United Kingdom

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2019). Kinetic Umbrellas for coastal defense applications. Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium, Barcelona, Spain

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2019). Modeling of Kinetic Umbrellas for coastal hazard mitigation. Engineering Mechanics Institute Conference, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California

Wang, S., Shen, L., Maggi, F., El Zein, A., Nguyen, G. (2016). Dynamic response of partially saturated porous media under impact loading. International Conference on Porous Media, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Wang, S., Shen, L., Maggi, F., El-Zein, A. & Nguyen, G.D. (2016). High strain rate behavior of unsaturated sand. 10th International Conference on Structural Integrity and Failure (SIF-2016): Advances in Materials and Structures, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia

Wang, S., Orense, R.P. (2013). Modelling of pile response in laterally spreading liquefiable ground. Proceedings of the 19th NZGS Geotechnical Symposium, Queenstown, New Zealand 

Invited Talks

Wang, S. (2024) “Educational Efforts: Structural Engineering and the Ocean Environment”. Climate Adaptation Workshop: Structural Design for Coastal Flood Resilience, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey

Wang, S. (2023) “From Structural Art to Adaptable Aquatecture for a More Resilient Urban Future”. SIR Frontiers Seminar Series, South China University of Technology, China

Wang, S. (2022) “High strain rate testing of unsaturated porous media”. Boase Seminar Series in Geotechnical Engineering and Geomechanics, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, Colorado

Wang, S., Garlock, M., Glisic, B. (2020) “Adaptable Aquatecture: smart Kinetic Umbrellas for coastal protection”. Boston Harbor Now Climate Roundtable, Boston, Massachusetts


Omenzetter, P., Beskhyroun, S., Shabbir, F., Chen, G-W., Chen, X., Wang, S., Zha, A. (2013). Forced and ambient vibration testing of full scale bridges: Project No. UNI/578. Earthquake Commission Research Foundation, Wellington, New Zealand 


Wang, S. (2022) "Deployable Hyperbolic Paraboloidal Umbrellas as Adaptable Aquatecture for Coastal Defense Applications". Ph.D. thesis. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University

Wang, S. (2017) "On the High Strain Rate Response of Partially Saturated Porous Media". MPhil thesis. School of Civil Engineering, University of Sydney